Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Law and Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

integrity and Religion - Essay ExampleReligions are one of the Institutions of socialisation, having the influence on race and decide how the people think and live. It does not matter what faith you are belong to, the basic elements are same for all religion. The religion organizes its action around certain beliefs, exercise and symbols. The religion is formed by the group of people who bearing similar belief and ideology. There are normally faithfulnesss within the religion that guides the way the members of the religion should behave. Any member of the religion broken the law, it will be treated as sinful, and which leads to punishments some times. According to Ron Kurtus, Religion bunghole be see as a theological, philosophical, anthropological, sociological and psychological phenomenon of human kind. Religion includes survival in harsh, environmental, moral and social rules, overcoming diseases and mysteries of life including life after death. Religion is a gravid and comp lex phenomenon. The root of the word religion is from the Latin word religare, which means being bound. Religion also may embrace a conception of faith. Law is the social mechanism, which is used to maintain the social order. In other words, law may help to maintain the public order, so that the social and legal interactions can occur within the society. The law is a instrument for the resolution of disputes, social problems, security threat and issue in analogy ship between singles. terce basic components are consisting in the human nature they are to live, to propagate and to dominate. Law is the parameter, which govern the behaviour of natural state of existence by the humanity. coitus between Law and ReligionThe law is important factor for the religion. The theoretical structure of the law is designed to support the religion and the religion has the impact of the law. The law accommodates, restrict or influence the religion. The law has the major role in maintaining public an d social order. The law has also the specific role in affinity to the moral order of the society. The law is the instrument for resolution of disputed between persons without endangering public order. The law helps to the policy makers to respond to social problem. The lawmakers can use their business leader to exercise their law making big businessman to change the rules to engage with social problems. The law may also been seen as set of rule regulating psyche relationship. The law is the important mechanism for controlling state power in particular in securing the rights and freedom of the individual. This is a particular theme in relation to religious rights. The religious beliefs, identity and practices of individual have the potential impact on the function of the legal system. And also the legal values have a strong influence on religious values. Law is using to keep order, resolve disputes, respond to social problem, regulate social relationship, control state power or empower individuals. Law is important factor in the religion, since it impinges on individual, community and organization.There are so many religion works in our society. The law makes enforce the law to protect the freedom of speech and racism etc. In the world we can see different countries fighting each other due to different religion and belief of the people in those countries.The interaction between law and religion is important for the society. The religion interest of an individual is not more than an explanation for their activities or spiritual needs rather than a distinctive interest of that individual. The lawmakers need to give weight to the right to individual autonomy, which may arise because an individual wishes to reject medical treatment that would be contrary to their religious beliefs. (Peter W. Edge, 17).Law important for ReligionLaw may be seen as one of many social instruments, which maintain the social order in the society. The law enforce the transition from an endless war of all against all, to a position

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